Game Girl’s Game of the Week: Bungee Run

My pick for Game of the Week is Bungee Run.  Can you imagine running as fast as you can only while harnessed to a giant rubber band?!  That’s what you experience with our Bungee Run!  I love going to the event setup for the Bungee Run and testing it out for our clients – it’s way cool and so fun to watch.  Get teams together to run relays or even better – add Bungee Run to your next obstacle course. 

The Bungee Run is awesome for the participants and even better for spectators, I am telling you, it’s fun galore – trust me!  I haven’t let you down yet in games…have I?






Two Lane Bungee Run
Two Lane Bungee Run

Who will be victorious? Who will reign supreme?
Harnessed to a bungee cord;
Staring victoriously down the the inflatable lane;
Velcro baton in hand, participants are ready to race to the finish (or be snapped back by their bungee cord)!  


Guest can challenge themselves to make it farther each time or challenge the person in the lane next to them…No matter what…. THEY WILL HAVE FUN.
Your guests will all agree…The Two Lane and Three Lane Bungee Run provide high intensity FUN.

Three Lane Bungee Run
Three Lane Bungee Run